'Kerry on Iraq' Film
Ok...so, where was I over the last year?
I was just giving a podcast a try (that I wasn't so sure that I liked after my first try) and stumbled across a mention of this short film, "Kerry on Iraq".
It is available for free on iFilm and was, evidently, pretty popular and well known. Somehow I missed it, but wanted to link it here.
Of course I know that the election was last year, but I thought that it was “fun” to watch in hindsight of Bush victory.
Additionally, I love this kind of stuff. Through the years, I have always wondered why the public didn't see more of this style of using a past news footage and a candidates own words against them.
Then I grew-up and realized that the general member is not interested in:
(1) ...working hard enough to put this together
(2) ...focusing any kind of effort on nailing a liberal with their wordspeak
(3) ...being smart enough to realize the interest that the average person would have in this
(4) ...coming to grasp with the reality that this kind of flip-flopping and avoidance of commitment to very important American interests are tremendously important issues worthy of focus.
With the continued proliferation of the internet, you can expect these kinds of films to become more and more prevelant. Just like the boom in talk radio...just like the rise of Fox News...just like the boom in blogs and now podcasting...very few barriers now exist for the "average" American to gain access to information in the form of audio and video. If the mainstream media cannot see the interest of the citizenry in this kind of information, then they will continue to be slowly replaced by those that fill the need.
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