Monday, July 25, 2005

Top Comic Book Movies

The guys on the Cinecast Podcast to which I listen shared their Top 5 Comic Book Movies of all time. I got a little too much modern day graphic novel stuff in this and not enough real comic stuff.

(1) Superman

(2) X-Men
(2) American Splendor

(3) Batman (1989)

(4) Ghost World
(4) Sin City (on guy loved, one guy hated)

(5) Spiderman 2

Brock's Bytes:
* I enjoyed Batman (1989) and appreciated Jack Nicholson and even Michael Keaton's under-appreciated performance...but, there is NO WAY that Tim Burton's 1989 version trumps Batman Begins. I've got no problem putting them both on the list...but

* I think that they got Spiderman 2 correct as I think that it was a more complete film that Spidey 1. They are dangerously close to too much Mary Jane & Peter Parker and not enough Spidey. I think the next one will pull back from some of that.

* X-Men 2 deserves some consideration...if for no other reason that Nightcrawler. Maybe you can comprise and just log X-Men and X-Men 2 together.


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