Sunday, June 12, 2005

Movie: National Treasure (1.25 Stars)

Before pressing play on the DVD player, I knew that this was going to be a rip-off of the public's current fascination of Dan Brown-like adventures. But...'wow'! I hope that NatTres is not an indication as to what to expect from upcoming movie versions of Brown's novels.

The only thing worth watching in this movie is Diane Kruger. And, even she disappoints because we don't get enough of her. (It is Disney)

Jennifet & I watched this in bed one night that we had a little extra time before we were going to fall asleep. Had that not been the situation then we would have never made it all the way through.

The first paragraph of the NY Times'critique sets the tone for what you need to know:

Maybe, just maybe, an 8-year-old could pick up an interest in American history from watching "National Treasure," that is, if the child could stay awake for this sluggish two-hour trudge through landmarks in Washington, Philadelphia and New York. It's far more likely, however, that a child who could stay awake through this fanciful reality game show (a Grade C "Amazing Race") would come away believing the bogus mythology that detonates it with a squishy thud.

Even the 'positive reviews' are tepid at best. Like, "passable, lightweight entertainment"

More from Rotten Tomatoes.


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