Monday, May 02, 2005

Ratings System

Ratings System used on the blog:

5 Stars - Hall of Fame. A "Classic" . As good as it gets.

4.5 Stars - As good as it gets but lacks some component (maybe just the passing of time) to put it into the Hall of Fame.

4 Stars - Fantastic. Don't pass it up.

3.5 Stars - Very Good.

3.0 Stars - Good to Average. "It's a rental"...but worth enjoying.

2.5 Stars - Average. But, in today's world there is probably enough to do to dedicate your time to something else.

2.0 Stars - The top level of bad.

1.5 Stars - Does it really matter what level of bad?

1.0 Stars - Horrible. The bottom level of bad.

0 Stars - Hated with such disdain that the people associated with this production actually provide some level of credence to the concept of genocide.


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